An immersive blend of media elements, offering dynamic pathways for viewers to explore content across interconnected layers.
La Herramienta para el Análisis de Discurso de AMLO es un programa que corre en Google Colaboratory. Este programa carga una compilación del texto disponible públicamente en el canal de YouTube de Andrés Manuel López Obrador y provee al usuario la habilidad de realizar búsquedas de palabras y obtener ligas a los videos donde las palabras buscadas ocurrieron.
Tablada Hipertextual is an electronic edition of José Juan Tablada’s collected poetry, featuring 550 texts—49 more than previous print editions. With hyperindexed navigation of both poems and words, readers can explore Tablada’s work by tracing the use of specific terms across multiple texts, aided by color-coding that highlights frequency and user navigation. Developed by Diego Bonilla and Rodolfo Mata, this interactive resource merges scholarship, editorial design, and programming to present classical Spanish verse in a dynamic digital format.
Liber Rotavi is an interactive hypermedia poetry collection that merges 35 classical Spanish sonnets with shifting imagery and music. Each day’s cycle transforms the text—letter by letter—along with more than 13,000 images and 120 musical elements. By integrating themes of creation, destruction, memory, and technology, Diego Bonilla and José de Jesús del Toro offer an ever-evolving experience that unfolds differently at dawn, midday, and night, illustrating how art and digital media intertwine to reshape poetic form.